Seeds of Wisdom in South Sudan

Making an Impact; Seeds Of Wisdom in South Sudan feature on KTTC TV NBC in Rochester

MAKING AN IMPACT: Rochester nonprofit provides education in South Sudan KTTC NBC TV Rochester MN. Please note that the story mentions that tickets are available online, however we are not offering online ticket sales at this time. We ask you to please refer to the Parish office at the Co-cathedral of St. John the Evangelist to purchase tickets.    KTTC News Coverage SOW Benefit Dinner and Seeds of Wisdom in South Sudan Making and IMPACT in the lives of people of South Sudan

Update and details on our Benefit Dinner – September 25th, 2022

The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.  (Matthew 13:8)   This verse is the theme for our Seeds of Wisdom benefit dinner on Sunday evening, Sept 25. Even within a refugee camp, the Lord’s fertile ground can be found!  Thanks to your support, we are helping yield a fruitful harvest: 237 children in school, most who would not otherwise be gaining an education – truly a bountiful harvest that will lead to brighter opportunities for them, their families, and their country. The local South Sudanese St. Bakhita…

RPR Radio Interview: Steve Deick – President of SOW in South Sudan Board of Directors

This is an interview on RPR radio “Real Presence Radio” presented as an update on the Seeds of Wisdom of South Sudan.  This interview describes the history and tells the story of how and why the support for Education for the students and families of South Sudan is so important.   Steve Deick President of the Board of Directors describes how he and his family and the parish of St. John the Evangelist has worked to pursuit the expansion of the world view for students and families in South Sudan through…